Jamol Jackson

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Jamol Jackson is the most important person in the entire world. He is even more important than George Washingmashine who ended slavary and found chicken it self. Jamol Jackson used to be so popular and used to be the talk of everything. He could do anything that you imagined. Jamal Jackson was the CREATOR or chicken it self. You may not know this but Jamal Jackson used to work with Criss pratt and Lebron James, He might not seem like a important person but I sure can tell you he is super important and super worth knowing about so please, do your self a favor and go buy our latest product the George Washing Machine, This product can do anything like washing 100 different cloths and the SAME TIME. It can even talk or scream at you when the cloths are done and it will be a GAME CHANGER. SO please PLEASE get yourself a George Washing Machine today.